Tips to Avoid Door-to-Door Solar Sales Scams

Door-to-Door Solar Sales Scams

It’s crucial to be aware and cautious about energy scams. Sometimes, a person who looks professional and claims to represent your energy company might approach you. However, not all of these situations are genuine, and falling for a scam could cost you a lot of money.

Understanding the full scope of energy scams, especially those that happen door-to-door, is hard. Many victims don’t realize they’ve been scammed, and some are too embarrassed to report it. But, this issue is widespread. For example, an investigation in New York State in 2015 ended up refunding nearly a million dollars to 1,500 customers because of unfair sales practices.

Steps You Can Take To Avoid Solar Sales Scams

While not every door-to-door energy salesperson is a scammer, and some might have legitimate offers, it’s best to be careful and informed. Here’s how to protect yourself from a solar sales scam at your door:

  • Check the Salesperson’s Affiliation: Don’t assume someone works for a specific company just because they have a badge or wear a uniform. Always ask for ID and proof that they’re actually employed by the energy company they claim to represent.
  • Protect Your Personal Information: Keep your Social Security number, bank accounts, and card numbers safe. Also, your utility bill has your account number on it, so don’t hand it over to anyone who comes to your door.
  • Know Your Energy Provider: This can help you avoid giving out information or making agreements with someone who shouldn’t have access to your energy details. You can find your electricity and natural gas prices on your bill.
  • Understand Your State’s Cooling-Off Period: Some states allow you to cancel a contract within three days of signing, without any penalty. This is important to know in case you change your mind.
  • Pay Attention to Contract Details: Make sure you understand the contract’s length, the price, and any fees, including if there’s a fee to cancel. It’s also good to know what happens when the contract ends.
  • Stay Informed About Local Scams: Keep up with the news to see if there have been any scams in your area. The Better Business Bureau’s Scam Tracker is also a great resource.
  • Reporting a Scam: If you think you’ve been scammed, don’t be embarrassed. Report it to the Federal Trade Commission.

Our sales team aims to make you feel comfortable and informed. If you ever feel pressured, it’s okay to take a break and ask for some space to think. Always take your time to consider all options before making a decision. After all, you’re in charge. Let’s have a conversation and see how we can help you.

This post was written by Daniel Massaad, proprietor of Energy Solutions Direct and a skilled solar specialist! ESD is the top choice for solar panels in Clearwater! Our licensed and certified contractors are masters of their craft; with years of experience servicing the great Tampa Bay area and beyond, the choice is simple. ESD excels at offering you the best in solar value!

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