Simple But Effective Home Maintenance Tips

House maintenance is one of the most important things you can do to keep your home in good shape. It’s also one of the easiest things to forget about.

The best way to prevent this from happening is to make a habit of checking things every now and then. The more often you check, the more likely you are to catch problems before they become major issues.

If you want to feel more comfortable in your own home and to be able to keep up with the maintenance of it, here are some simple but effective home maintenance tips.

1. Clean the Kitchen Sink

This is one of the easiest things to do, but it does require a little bit of time and effort. Use a mixture of baking soda, vinegar and dish soap to get rid of any dirt or grime from the drain. Make sure you run cold water through the drain to help with any buildup. This should take about five minutes.

2. Clean your oven

After every use, clean out your oven by pouring some liquid dish soap on a folded paper towel, then wiping down the interior of your oven with it until all of the grease has been removed from inside it. Once it’s clean, wipe down around all edges and inside corners with another dry paper towel so there aren’t any drips or splatters left behind when you open it again next time!

3. Clean your shower head

If you have hard water in your area (which many people do), this can cause rust stains on shower heads over time because they’re exposed to chlorine as well as other minerals in water sources that contain saltiness or alkalinity levels above what most plants.

It doesn’t matter how much you have in your budget, or how little time you have, it is always good to be proactive when it comes to home maintenance. It’s never too early to start thinking about keeping your home in good condition.


While every homeowner should have contact information for a professional handyman or contractor in their phone, there are plenty of easy things that you can do around the house to keep it running smoothly. From simple fixes like fixing squeaky doors and unclogging drains to more complex maintenance jobs, keeping your home functioning at peak efficiency doesn’t have to be a chore—just take some time each week to keep the big problems from forming and you’ll find that your house is much easier to live in.


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