Caring For Your Patio

Your patio is your sanctuary, your oasis in the middle of life, a place to hang out with family and friends, sip a drink and grill up some burgers. Your patio will be there for you during parties and cookouts, celebrations and gatherings, in quiet moments when all you want to do is curl up on a lounger with a good book. But your patio needs some TLC, so don’t neglect it by failing to provide proper maintenance on the flooring itself as well as the furniture and decor. Take time out once in awhile to treat it right and it will last you for years to come.

Caring for Your Patio Furniture

Just because it’s meant for outdoor use doesn’t mean you can just leave your patio furniture outside year round with no upkeep. Even the most durable pieces of furniture need some level of care. To restore the glow of your resin lawn chairs, Better Homes and Gardens recommends mixing a solution of 3/4 cups bleach, one tablespoon of laundry detergent and one gallon of warm water. After you test on a small portion to ensure the color doesn’t change, don some rubber gloves and get to work scrubbing the solution on with a sponge or brush. Rinse off after 15 minutes. For dirty cushions, use a mixture of soapy, warm water or a foaming cleanser (check the label first to ensure the item is washable) then rub on with a sponge, rinse and wipe it off to dry it. For a patio umbrella ravaged by mildew, mix up a solution of 3/4 cup bleach, some dishwashing liquid and a gallon of warm water. After color testing, scrub the mixture on with a brush, rinse and dry. For that unfinished wooden picnic table that’s looking less than stellar, mix one cup ammonia, 1/2 cup vinegar and a gallon of water, scrubbing the surface and rinsing well afterwards. Wicker furniture that has seen better days will take well to a little vacuuming. Use the brush attachment to get all the flakes and dust off, then simply wipe down with a slightly damp cloth. If you have wooden patio furniture, you’ll need to apply a waterproof sealant for protection from the elements.

Surface Material Maintenance

The surface of your patio takes a lot of abuse, so be sure to care for it on a regular basis. For porous materials like flagstone, immediately wipe up spills to avoid staining and try to avoid grill spatter when cooking that can permanently stain this type of natural stone. Some stones, like bluestone, require a sealant every couple of years to maintain their integrity, says home improvement expert Bob Vila. You can pressure wash your deck or patio if, over time, you see moss growth, staining and a dull sheen. Be sure to hire a professional who knows what they’re doing, as some patio surfaces are too delicate for pressure washing. If you have a gravel patio area, give it a once over every so often to pick out weeds that are popping through and replace stray pieces of gravel that have been kicked away. Keep those plants watered, too, to ensure a beautiful backyard oasis.

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